(613)686-6657, [email protected]


Through advocacy, education, and compassion, CAPSA will:

→ Improve the professional and community care services available to individuals affected by a substance use disorder, through approaches and practices that are informed by people with lived/living expierience

→ Improve accessibility to services and support by helping end stigma for people with lived/living experience

→ Advocate and educate stakeholders within the health, social services and community safety sectors, at the national, provincial and local levels, on the issues of importance for peopl seeking Substance Use Health

→ Develop and deliver education and support services for organizations and individuals to create more resilient and inclusive cultures, that reduce stigma and support Substance Use Health, through tailored training and products

Peer Support: All People, All Pathways (APAP)

All People, All Pathways is the foundational concept of our group. Honouring your journey and your destination and recognizing that there are many ways to increased wellness and many people will walk onn different paths. The purpose of our peer group meetings is to provide a safe and aware environment for those seeking help to question their relationship with substances, free from stigma or discrimination. APAP believes that you will find your answers and the best path for you and your goals for increased wellness. Our group is inclusive of all individuals in or seeking increased health in their relationship with substances. Their families, allies, and professionals are all welcome to attend our meetings.

What it Does

This peer-facilitated group offers evidence-based practices and tools designed to help those who are questioning their relationship in regard to their substance use health by:

How it Helps

This group provides a welcoming environment, free from stigma and discrimination to help:

Movement Towards Wellness

Movement Towards Wellness is a new program offered by CAPSA. Offering a variety of live virtual movement sessions and a library of guided videos, Movement Towards Wellness gives you a series of exercises designed to improve your movement and mobility, leading to increased mental wellness and substance use health in just a few minutes a session.

Join Live Movement Sessions Every Thursday at 11am (EST) on Zoom

→ Meeting ID: 912 6616 9566

→ Passcode: 474128